Module Opencc0

OCaml OpenCC, bindings for opencc (v0) - Open Chinese Convert

Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC, 開放中文轉換) is an opensource project for conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, supporting character-level conversion, phrase-level conversion, variant conversion and regional idioms among Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong kong.


type t

the type of opencc instances

type conversion =
  1. | Fast
  2. | SegmentOnly
  3. | ListCandidates

the type of opencc conversion modes

val create : string -> t

Opencc0.create config creates a new opencc instance. config should be the path of the appropriate config file.

val convert_utf8 : t -> string -> string

Opencc0.convert_utf8 opencc text returns the converted string. text is UTF-8 encoded input string.

val set_conversion_mode : t -> conversion -> unit

Opencc0.set_conversion_mode opencc mode changes the conversion mode of opencc.


On a debian jessie x86_64 system, the source code below:

let ()=
  let opencc= Opencc0.create "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opencc/zhs2zht.ini" in
  Opencc0.set_conversion_mode opencc Opencc0.Fast;
  print_endline (Opencc0.convert_utf8 opencc "汉字");;

will print out 漢字